Sunday 5 May 2013

It's starting to look like a table

Today was a very productive day.  When I started I had a bunch of individual pieces, all cut to length and drilled, but it looked nothing like a table.

I started by welding the outside corner edges on the leg brackets to the table top base.

I don't want to run a long bead of weld at this point so that the whole frame doesn't start to warp.  So I continued with some 1 inch long welds along the sides for extra strength.  

And then closed up the inside corner joints.

Well, the base is done.  I guess I can try the legs and see how they fit.  I ran to the hardware store yesterday and got the bolts, nuts and washers I needed, with the exception of the nylon threaded lock nuts.. for some reason they didn't have any for the sizes I needed.  Ohh well, some lock-tight should do the trick.

Lookin good, right?!  Everything fits pretty good and is pretty well straight.  Pretty happy about this!

Now to fuse the legs together. I still need to cut to length the 2 pieces for this task.  I wanted wait until it was all together to make sure the length was accurate.  Two 17 1/4" pieces, coming right up.

Gotta admit, I'm getting pretty handy with the plasma cutter!  The cuts were nearly perfect.. the only thing that got me this time was when I switched from TIG to Plasma, I forget to switch the foot control switch off, so the plasma cutter would start weak and then just peter out.

So I have only enough time before my daughter gets up from her nap to weld in one of these leg.. 

See, looks like a table!  The few remaining things now left are to weld together the other pair of legs, cut up and drill  the 1" flat stock that will hold the front and back legs together and allow them to fold, cut the table top from the 1/4" plate I have left over, and weld it to the frame.  I might just be able to get this done in one more evening of work.

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